December 7, 2003
3rd Period - 8:212003-2004 Regular Season
Off the faceoff they drop the gloves and have a really short squareoff. They grapple for position and Ward knocks Morgan's helmet off with a punch to the back of the head. They grapple some more and Morgan gets in two left "jersey jabs" right to the face of Ward that makes him lean back for a second. He regains his balance and keeps Morgan at arms-length with his right cocked back. Morgan tries a body shot and Ward comes over top with a quick right, but it wiffs. Morgan throws a left that wiffs and Ward comes back with about two more lefts to the back of Morgan's head, as Morgan slips to the ice with Ward landing on top.
No video for this fight.
Voting Results
Votes: 18, Average Rating: 5.28

G. Morgan (DAL) vs. L. Ward (ANA)


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