April 5, 2002
1st Period - 18:572001-2002 Regular Season
Probert checks Nash who gets his hands/stick up in Probie's face. Later in the shift Probert crosschecks Nash to the ice, punches him in the back of the head (w/glove on). While the refs are busy with these two, Downey and Low get together. Low starts it with a semi-uppercut, then a right to Downey's neck. Downey misses with a right, Low misses with a short right, then throws a left to Downey's ear. Downey misses 2 big lefts, Low rips his helmet off, then throws a left that hits Downey in jaw/neck. A left to top of Downey's head, then a left that turns Downey around. Low then throws 3 or 4 lefts to back of Downey's head. Downey looked like he landed a nice left to the side of Low's jaw, then misses with a left. Now they're twirling with both having their lefts free. Downey misses badly, then lands a nice left on Low, and then throws a haymaker that low blocks. A left by Downey to Low's chest, then an uppercut which is hard to tell if it hit. They tie up in close, Low throws a week left, then rocks Downey's head back with an uppercut. Low lands 5 short lefts on side of Downey's face and ear, then misses with an uppercut, then 2 more short lefts. Downey throws 2 weak lefts, and Low throws one that glances Downey's forehead. Downey misses an uppercut, and hits low with two on the helmet afterward. They both look at each other like thats enough and the linesmen come in. Other Penalties: Bob Probert received a double crosschecking and a roughing; Tyson Nash received a roughing.
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Voting Results
Votes: 1, Average Rating: 7

A. Downey (CHI) vs. R. Low (STL)


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