
New Videos Alert: Dave Semenko

New Videos Alert: Dave Semenko is and always will be the best place to come view, rate, and interact with other fans of fighting. The debates that have raged on in the comments and beyond are some of the most heated and passionate exchanges you will see anywhere on the wide web. We are never satisfied though and aim to make this site better every day.

One of the places that we have identified as a spot where we have room to grow is our classic fights and fighters. Some of the lesser known fights from the legends of our game is lacking.

We can be better and will be better. The effort is going to ramp up from me in the coming weeks. Yesterday we added seven new Semenko videos for you to rate and view:

Dave Vs Howatt

Dave Vs Nilan

Dave Vs McRae – Round 1
Round 2
Round 3

Dave Vs Probert

Dave Vs Ewen

Let us know in the comments on social which fighter you want to see the catalog updated of next. I will be adding more and more as we continue to make the best website for you to come to three and four times a day.

Also, let us know which of the “new fights” is your favorite from Semenk.
