
Kris Draper and Dan Cleary Remember Bob Probert

Draper, Cleary share their memories of Bob Probert

“When you think of Bob Probert, you obviously have got to think of a fight and the one fight I’ll never forget is him and Marty McSorley,” remembered Draper, who played alongside Probert with the Wings in 1993-94, Probert’s final season with the team.

“I just remember that it seemed to go on for like two minutes and that is a long, long hockey fight. I remember both those guys going at it, the respect they had for each other, and the Joe was absolutely rocking.

“It was unbelievable and it was just Probie doing what he did – sticking up for a teammate, getting in a fight, bringing the fans out of their seats.

“I believe it was at the end of the period because they both didn’t go to the penalty box, they went to the dressing rooms and as Probie’s skating by the bench, he just says, ‘Probie’s done.’ He said that, talking in the third person.

“It was classic Bob Probert.”

When I'm asked to pick a favorite fight of mine, that McSorley-Probert fight always comes to mind, and is frequently the answer I give.
