Advertisement Fantasy Fighting Championship Bracket: Round Three – Day One Fantasy Fighting Championship Bracket: Round Three – Day One

The tournament began just three short weeks ago. Almost 300,000 votes have been cast. Hockeyfights fans never cease to amaze us. 

This week will crown our winner. Also, we will be sourcing a new bracket championship, more on that to come. 

The link to voting is now on both our Instagram AND twitter. Links below.

Round 2 – Day 4 Recap —

Bob Probert OVER Terry O'Reilly
Chris Simon OVER Marc Potvin
Marty McSorley OVER Shawn Thornton
Zdeno Chara OVER Bobby Orr

Here is what the bracket looks like now:


Previous day results:

Adam McQuaid OVER Sean Brown
Dave Semenko OVER Brian McGrattan
Georges Laraque OVER George Parros
Gordie Howe OVER Cam Neely

Round 3 – Day 1 Votes:

Ray Emery vs Wendel Clark

Adam McQuaid vs Milan Lucic

Dave Schultz vs Dave Semenko

Georges Laraque vs Marty McSorley

To follow along with all the voting, make sure you follow us on all our social media channels:




New Bracket to Follow:

So, people were upset by the snubs and perceived misses when I assembled this whole bracket thing. Little did all the haters know this was a proof of concept for the process. Always trust the process. 2018 is the summer of the bracket and as this bracket wraps up, a new bracket will be born. This time we will be running a best current fighter in the NHL bracket. So fear not, the Ryan Reaves and Tom Wilsons of the world will have their day. If you are passionate enough for this project (and we know you are) we want you to start submitting your list of the top fighters in the NHL today. Hit us up on twitter, instagram and facebook and let us know who you think should be in this new bracket. 
